Blog Analysis

Hello guys!

Some weeks ago I was analyzing a blog called The Recipe Critic to get inspired for my own blog.
I found many interesting features that contribute to make it one of the most growing and popular food blogs. 

First of all, I really liked the fact that every recipe, as you can see in the photo above, comes with an interface where you can check not only how much time you need to cook it but also the time required for all the preparations. One thing I found annoying is when you are in hurry and you think you have finally found a simple and yet tasty recipe, but then you realize you have to let something rest for an hour or you have to bake it for a long time. You get disappointed, mostly because you were ready to eat shortly after and your appetite was already sky-high.
Thanks to this feature it’s now possible to avoid this unpleasant experience and choose your recipe on the basis of time,  even before reading the whole recipe itself.

Another feature I liked is the box at the end of the recipe, where the author gives you some tips on the storing methods of that dish. This feature is very useful in general, but especially when it comes to a dish you never ate or cooked before.

The last interesting feature I want to share with you, is the paragraph dedicated to Variations and Substitutions you could carry on the original recipe. This is so helpful because it often happens that I am missing just one ingredient and I have to go to the grocery just for that or that I can’t find it in my supermarket so, being that ingredient a very important component of the delicacy I have to give up on cooking that dish. Thanks to this list of variations and substitutions, people with allergies could enjoy the same recipe as well.


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