
Showing posts from December, 2021


  Hello guys! Have you ever heard of entomophagia? Me neither. Or at least until I started reading  “Edible”. Basically Entomophagia consists of eating insects.   There are several reasons why I chose to read a book on this unusual and a lot of people would say, gross topic. First of all, I should start by saying that I hate bugs and I am repelled even from the idea of imagining one. So you will understand my shock when I first came to know that it will be likely in the near future for us to incorporate insects into our daily diet. Or better to say, it will be necessary in order to save our planet. Although I have a phobia of bugs, as I understand the necessity to change our diet I thought it would be great if I discovered more about this practice and prepared myself mentally, beforehand. Also, I thought that maybe I could overcome my fear for those tiny little beings.